TPSAC Concludes: “Should FDA choose to implement a ban…FDA would need to assess the potential for contraband menthol cigarettes as required by the Act.”

 The above statement is contained in the TPSAC  report on menthol. CRE compliments TPSAC for its recognition of the significant impact contraband will have on increasing youth access to cigarettes, exposing smokers to unacceptably high levels of toxic metals and exposing both smokers and non-smokers to an increase in violence as a result of funding organized crime and terrorists groups.

The TPSAC statement is consistent with the repeated statements CRE made before TPSAC.

FDA’s review should be augmented by  an orderly examination of the contraband issue by academics, enforcement officials and the public. To this end, CRE has under consideration the establishment of an Interactive Public Docket  (IPD) dedicated to contraband.

The IPD would be a repository of actions taken to curtail contraband cigarette flows in to the United States. CRE would institute an outreach program to enforcement officials at both the federal and state level to encourage  them to share their experiences in addressing the contraband issue by making relevant information  available  to all parties through the aforementioned IPD.

Based upon information posted on the IPD, CRE would provide  periodic reports and analyses to the FDA

The Beta form of the IPD is available for public review here. Please express your views on the IPD in the “comments” link below.

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  1. Anonymous

    Please sign my petition to ban these cigarettes in the US, show your support!

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