Sen. Michael San Nicolas (Guam Legislature) Calls on US ATF to Take Action Against Contraband Tobacco

Editor’s Note: Cheers to The Honorable Michael San Nicolas, Chair of the Guam Legislature’s Committee on General Government Operations and Federal, Foreign, & Regional Affairs, for acting against illicit tobacco.

From: The Guam Daily Post

San Nicolas asks ATF to investigate Rev and Tax, $14.7M MidPac tax lien

Sen. Michael San Nicolas has written to the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives asking for its assistance concerning a possible enforcement issue.

The senator’s July 6 letter to ATF resident agent-in-charge Jeffrey Gaines refers to a July 2 report in The Guam Daily Post regarding the June 2017 tax lien placed on Mid Pacific Distributors for unpaid gross receipts taxes amounting to $14.7 million. MidPac is a wholesale distributor of alcohol, tobacco and other products.

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