Dutch Fiscal Information and Investigation Service rolls up illegal cigarette factory in Lithoijen

Editor’s Note: Translated from the Dutch original.

From: Fiscale inlichtingen- en opsporingsdienst (FIOD) [The Fiscal Information and Investigation Service]

The FIOD has rolled up an illegal cigarette factory in Lithoijen today. In a warehouse, a complete production line for producing cigarettes and millions of cigarettes was found.

At the time of entering, the machines did not run, but it was clear that they were being used extensively. The machines were filled with tobacco, filters and packaging material. The tobacco was delivered in boxes. Empty boxes have been found in the shed and it is suspected that at least 4500 kilos of tobacco have been processed. In the factory, 1 million cigarettes were ready. Pallets with 7 million cigarettes were stored in a warehouse next to the factory. Everything is destroyed.

The FIOD has also arrested 7 men from the Ukraine who may have been working illegally in the Netherlands.
“>In the factory, rooms were set up where the men lived and slept.

Approach trade in illegal cigarettes and excise fraud
Due to the large profits in the trade of illegal cigarettes, criminal assets are built up and the treasury is seriously disadvantaged. In addition, the illegal production of cigarettes undermines the anti-smoking policy of the Dutch State.

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