What Impact will Brexit have on Illicit Trade?

From: Eurobsit

Brexit, one of the most important events in British and European history, will take place on 29 March 2019. The UK’s departure from the EU has now been set to happen for a long time, but it still raises many as-yet unanswered questions. The issue of illegal trade is no exception.

To be clear from the start, at the present time it’s still looking difficult to forecast the impact of Brexit on cross-border trade with any certitude. There is one main reason for this: the issue of trade and borders between the United Kingdom and the EU remains very hazy. Yet this issue is a key one, as almost half of British exports go to EU countries1.

At first glance, some of the changes Brexit will bring might seem positive: the end of free trade between the United Kingdom and the European Union will result in a toughening on customs declarations and greater border control – according to some estimates, twice as many goods will be inspected. This could increase the odds of slowing the influx of illegal goods.

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