700,000 cigarettes seized at Dublin Airport

From: NewsTalk.ie

It has been a busy week for Revenue Customs Service at Dublin Airport.

Staff their officers seized 700,000 cigarettes in 3 separate seizures.

On Tuesday 606,000 cigarettes were detected after they arrived in freight from Greece labelled as car parts.

The consignment was put under surveillance and intercepted in Bray Co. Wicklow.

A 43-year-old Romanian man was questioned before being released without charge.

The next day 70,000 cigarettes were recovered when Revenue Officers targetted a flight from Krakow in Poland.

4 males and 4 females aged from 16 to 34 were questioned and later released as part of the investigation.

Then yesterday a 21-year-old Lithuanian woman was arrested at the airport in connection with the attempted smuggling of a total of 21,200 cigarettes on 4th May and the 28th of June this year.

She has now been charged with 2 offences and has appeared in court where she was remanded in custody.

The total estimated retail value of the cigarettes seized in these 3 operations is €316,275.

They represent a potential loss to the Exchequer of €243,463.


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