400,000 smuggled cigarettes seized

From: Doncaster Free Press

Police and customs officials have seized a total of 400,000 cigarettes from a farm in Misterton.

The cigarettes worth hundreds of thousands of pounds were discovered last week in a rented building at a property in Cornley Road, Misterton.

It has been calculated that the loss to the Exchequer in the form of unpaid customs duty and VAT is around £103,000.

A 58-year-old man from the Worksop area was arrested and has been bailed pending further enquiries.

Jennie Kendall, spokesperson for HM Revenue and Customs, said: “Tobacco smuggling is a serious crime and one we are determined to disrupt along with our law enforcement colleagues.

“Cheap tobacco products are far from the bargain they may initially appear – often the goods are counterfeit and people may not be aware they are buying from those involved in the network of serious organised crime.

“In addition, the illicit trade has a devastating impact on legitimate traders working hard to make a living.”

Anyone with information should telephone PC Thomas on 101, ext 807 7361.

Alternatively contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


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