Cigarette smuggling Teesside RAF airman ordered to repay thousands

From: Gazette Live

A FORMER RAF senior aircraftman from Teesside jailed for smuggling cigarettes  has been ordered to pay back £80,000.

Paul Garbutt, 31, who was discharged from service by the RAF, was ordered to  repay £80,000 within six months or face a further 21 months in jail.

Lisa Harrison, 35, a former financial adviser for a bank, was also ordered to  repay £95,000 with a 24 month default sentence if not paid in six months.

Both confiscation orders were made at Bristol Crown Court on Friday September  7.

Garbutt of Avon Grove, Billingham, and Harrison, of Sydney Road,  Middlesbrough were two of seven people sentenced in February 2011 for smuggling  and money laundering offences.


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