Illegal cigarettes funding criminals

From: The Windsor Star

Wa-Il Alfaris knows illegal cigarettes are hurting business.

The owner of Half-Priced Variety on Drouillard Road said tobacco sales have dropped dramatically in the past few years. Alfaris said he added groceries and cigars to boost business but it’s been tough. He knows he’s lost cigarette business to the sellers of illegal smokes because as a smoker he sees people smoking the unmarked cigarettes.

“At least 50 per cent are smoking contraband,” Alfaris said. “I see the packs they pull out when they smoke. If you know the packages, the Indian packages have no warnings. Legal cigarettes are covered in warnings.”

The National Coalition Against Contraband Tobacco sympathizes with Alfaris and is trying to combat illegal smokes, which they believe have encouraged more young people to light up, robs convenience stores and the government of revenue and funds illicit gangs involved in drugs and guns. Gray Grant, spokesman for the NCAFT, kicked off an Ontario tour Thursday in Windsor. He’s trying to raise awareness of the danger associated with buying contraband cigarettes.

“People think it’s a victimless crime,” Grant said. “Far from it. The government is losing $2.2 billion in taxes. Instead it’s going into the pockets of criminals.”

Twenty years ago, illegal cigarettes were mostly U.S. smokes smuggled into Canada. Since cigarette manufacturers paid huge fines for encouraging the illegal cigarette trade, 90 per cent of contraband cigarettes are manufactured on First Nation reserves in the Cornwall area, according to the NCAFT. Contraband cigarettes are not inspected and NCAFT maintains they can contain pesticides, insect eggs, dead flies and human feces. About 43 per cent of all cigarettes smoked by high school students were contraband tobacco, according to a 2010 study by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

“We need to be badly doing more from a government standpoint in terms of enforcement,” NDP MP Joe Comartin said after meeting with Grant. The Conservative government pledged to create a multi-jurisdictional task force to coordinate a response to the problem but that hasn’t happened yet.

Grant said sentences for repeat offenders should be increased and municipal law enforcement should be given more powers to stop smuggling. Sellers of cigarette paper should be licensed and the RCMP should take action to close some of the 50 illegal cigarette factories in Canada, Grant said.

“Criminals don’t respect borders and neither should we,” said Grant, a retired deputy chief in the Toronto Police Service. “Everyone should get together and come up with a coordinated approach.”

Grant said because illegal cigarette are readily available and not subject to age restrictions, youths can get them easily. Comartin said after 30 years of declining smoking rates, more youths are smoking now or cessation has plateaued. Recent surveys dispute that theory.

According to a 2010 Canadian Tobacco Youth Monitoring Survey 12 per cent of 15 to 19 year olds smoked, down from 13 percent in 2009.

“I would not say the availability of contraband has increased smoking rates because they are declining,” said Jane Reiha, manager of comprehensive school health team for the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit. She did note that use of smokeless tobacco products had increased. The NCAFT is partially funded by the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers Council. Grant said the organization also gets money from the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, Crime Stoppers, Frontier Duty Free Association, the Customs and Immigration Union and the National Convenience Stores Distributors Association.


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