Cigarette smugglers who used Dover and Newhaven are sentenced

From: BBC

Three men who attempted to smuggle over 13 million counterfeit cigarettes inside lorries pretending to carry ice cream have been sent to jail.

The men were caught entering Dover and Newhaven ports with the cigarettes.

Douglas Allison, who was described as the organiser, was found guilty at Maidstone Crown Court and sentenced to six-and-a-half years in his absence.

Terrence Crowhurst, who owned one of the HGVs, was sentenced to 33 months, and Timothy Shaw to 21 months.

A fourth man, Russell Baker, from Long Lawford, near Rugby, will be sentenced on Thursday.

HM Revenue and Customs have estimated the the total duty lost on the cigarettes would have been £2.7m.

Allison, of Agnew Crescent, Stranraer; Shaw of Macrius Way, Motherwell; and Crowhurst, of The Mount, in Uckfield; were all convicted of fraudulent evasion of duty.


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