Smuggled cigarettes found at Liverpool docks

From: Liverpool Echo

BORDER Force officers seized more than 10.5m cigarettes at Liverpool  docks.

The illicit cigarettes were discovered on Thursday when officers inspected a  container after it arrived from Sri Lanka.

They found the cigarettes, which were bound for a supplier in Manchester.

Had the smuggling plot been successful, the duty evaded on the cigarettes  would have been worth an estimated £2.5m to the UK taxpayer.

Colin Brown, from Border Force, said: “This was an excellent seizure, which  came about as a direct result of the skill and expertise of our officers.  Dedicated Border Force officers are on constant alert to make life tough for  smugglers.

“Smuggling defrauds the public purse out of huge sums of money, with the  proceeds often going into the hands of organised criminals.”


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