Two arrested in Plymouth as HMRC ‘cracks £50m-a-year tobacco smuggling bid’

From: This is Plymouth

Neil Shaw

TWO men have been arrested in Plymouth as part of a probe into a suspected international tobacco smuggling ring.

The pair were detained in one of several co-ordinated raids and seizures across the country and in Luxembourg.

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) says the arrests were linked to an investigation into a suspected £50million tax fraud.

An international smuggling gang is believed to have used microwaves and other kitchen appliances to sneak tonnes of illegal tobacco into the UK.

A total of nine men and one woman were arrested last week as raids took place in Plymouth, Kent, Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Luxembourg.

Men aged 26 and 52 were arrested in the city on Tuesday, November 27.

They were interviewed before being bailed until next year pending further enquiries.

Assistant director of criminal investigation at HMRC, Mike O’Grady, said: “Using household appliances as a cover, this gang was on track to evade £50million a year if they had succeeded.

“Further details cannot be provided at this early stage, as our investigation is continuing.

“However, tax fraud and attempts to launder the proceeds of crime are treated extremely seriously by HMRC, and we will relentlessly pursue any individuals or crime gangs believed to be attacking the public revenue in this way.”

HMRC said the arrests followed a covert investigation into large-scale import and export of microwave ovens and other white goods filled with either cash of hand-rolling tobacco.

So far, the tax-man’s officers have seized 4,800kg of rolling tobacco, worth over £1.5million in evaded duty, and “large quantities” of cash.


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