Call for proposals – Technical support for detecting the presence of cigarettes and tobacco – OLAF/2012/D5/07


Call for proposals – Technical support for detecting the presence of cigarettes and tobacco – OLAF/2012/D5/07

published in OJEU C 390, 18.12.2012, p. 20 under Economic & Financial Affairs

next deadline Thursday, February 14, 2013 –  58 days to deadline

Develops the …
Community action programme to promote activities in the field of the protection of the Community’s financial interests
description and objectives
This call relates to the activities foreseen under the Hercule II Decision, consisting of technical assistance for national authorities through the provision of specific knowledge, equipment and information technology (IT) tools facilitating transnational cooperation and cooperation with the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the support for joint operations, as well as the enhancement of staff exchanges, in order to fight against fraud, corruption and other illegal activities as well as the development and implementation of fraud prevention and detection policies.

Eligible actions for technical assistance consist of:

  • Technical support to strengthen inspections of containers and trucks at the EU’s external borders, dedicated to the fight against cigarette smuggling and counterfeiting.
  • Equipment as part of an action of law enforcement agencies to improve the detection and investigation of illicit consignments of tobacco products.
  • Equipment, animals and training as part of an action of law enforcement agencies to detect smuggled and counterfeited goods on the basis of the scent characteristics of the goods.
organisations eligible to participate
Opened to the following bodies or institutes with legal status established in the covered areas:

  • Non profit organisations
  • Regional authorities
  • National authorities
covered areas
Bodies or institutes must have their registered legal seat in one of the countries taking part in the Programme which are:

  • European Union (EU)
  • Candidate Countries
european community funding
The Community provisional funding available for the call for proposals is:

  • Global Budget: 2.50 M€
all the important deadlines
  • Thursday, February 14, 2013: Deadline for the presentation of proposals
Further information about the call
Directorate-Generale responsible
Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

12 Related Calls for Proposals


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