Cigarette smuggling is igniting worse habits

From: Calgary Herald

By Brain Lee Crowley

Because keeping the border open and goods flowing with our U.S. neighbours is  practically the definition of Canada’s economic self-interest, anything that attracts the unfavourable attention of Washington to our border is to be avoided  at all costs. Just ask the Mexicans.

That’s why we should all be uneasy about large-scale smuggling across the  border, especially where it involves, as it almost always does, organized  crime.

Consider the so-called 401 corridor, in which Mohawk communities straddling  the Canada-U.S. border around Cornwall, Ont., have become a conduit for a  thriving contraband trade.

Contraband cigarettes originating in U.S. Mohawk communities pass through the “pipeline” to the Canadian reserves where they sell for a fraction of the price  of legal cigarettes. Organized crime groups from outside the territory provide  an extensive distribution network throughout Quebec and Ontario.

Tobacco taxes are generally lower in the U.S., and that drives the smuggling,  in which criminal entrepreneurs simply pocket a piece of the difference by  risking being caught and punished.

But cigarettes have been trafficked illegally across the border for years.  And the cigarettes are being smuggled into Canada. Why would Washington  care?

Two reasons. According to research for my institute, the illegal tobacco  trade is clearing about $75 million a year in the 401 corridor alone. That  attracts organized crime in a big way and generates ancillary activities such as  bulk cash smuggling and money laundering. The U.S. invests major resources in  trying to disrupt the money flow. They don’t appreciate breaches in the border  anywhere that accommodate this.

What’s more disquieting, although the pipeline may have been created with tobacco in mind, once the infrastructure exists, you can put almost anything in  it. And some of those things are truly frightening.

I am not even talking about illicit drugs, although there is lots of evidence  that the pipeline has been used to shift marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine and other  drugs in both directions. Better policing has helped to squeeze, but not  eliminate, those activities. More worrisome are things like weapons, people and  counterfeit merchandise.

With the infrastructure in place, and a culture of impunity before the law  established, very little stops the criminals in charge from putting in other  things.

Drugs and other dangerous contraband are thus kept under relative control  because while there is money to be made, the chances of being caught and not  enjoying the profits is much greater than with tobacco. In a world where the  police don’t have enough people and equipment, and politicians don’t have the  stomach for a fight with First Nations, this is probably a rational outcome,  although for a society supposedly based on the rule of law, it is ultimately  corrosive.

The face of smuggling is changing. Organized crime is starting to see that  some of the greatest returns aren’t from trafficking in drugs or humans but from  smuggling counterfeit pharmaceuticals and expensive parts and  equipment.

Roger Bate of the American Enterprise Institute in Washington has spent years  documenting the extent to which phoney drugs are now circulating around the  world, counterfeits that look and feel just like the real thing, but which have  none of their therapeutic properties. And organized crime is now starting to  manufacture what look like high quality replacement parts for aircraft, for  example, but which are cheap and dangerous knock-offs.

Unfortunately, too often the penalties are relatively minor. The 401 corridor  is a cross-border accident waiting to happen. High tobacco profits sustain a  smuggling infrastructure that can move anything if the price is right.

Progress will only come when U.S and Canadian authorities take tobacco  smuggling seriously enough to extinguish it, and the pipeline it supports. If we  could bring the Mohawk into mainstream economic life and provide economic  alternatives for First Nations youth, we’d close off a major point of  vulnerability in our relationship with the U.S., while clearing up a festering  problem at home.

Brian Lee Crowley is the managing director of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, an independent public policy think-tank in Ottawa.


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