Vitalie Proca: The Trail of a Professional Hitman

Editor’s Note:  The following article explains the close link between cigarette smuggling, contract murder and organized crime. As noted at the end of the article, it was written as “a joint investigative effort by The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project and The Guardian.”

From: Hetq Online

By Mihai Munteanu, Luke Harding, Ion Preașcă, Iurie Sănduță, Cristi Ciupercă

In November of 2012, a Mercedes pulled up to a home not far from downtown Bucharest, the capital of Romania. As the young driver got out of his car, a thin, blonde man in his early 30s emerged from the shadows and fired a dozen bullets from a Kalashnikov rifle into his chest and head.

In an eerily similar scene, six months earlier in London, the same blonde man fired six bullets from a Makarov semi-automatic pistol into a Moldovan-Russian banker as he exited a London taxi near his apartment.  As he left, he quietly dropped the gun.

Both attacks were classic organized crime hits by a professional  hired killer.  Police identified him as Vitalie Proca, 33, from the Republic of Moldova.  OCCRP along with the Guardian traced Proca’s life and business relationships and found him connected to an ultraviolent network of criminals.  This network of hit men is paid to pull the  trigger to settle conflicts between criminal gangs. Together they are  known to be responsible for a number of murders and attempted murders of  alleged criminal figures. Police say they are also involved in cigarette smuggling, trafficking in persons and other organized crime  activities.

The Romanian police say that the Bucharest attack was a case of  mistaken identity.  Proca mistook the innocent man for Puiu Mironescu, the alleged leader of a Romanian organized crime group. According to Romanian law enforcement, Proca was hired to kill Mironescu by a rival  Romanian criminal gang whose leaders had themselves been targeted for  assassination by Mironescu. The unwitting victim, who survived the  attack, was caught in the middle of the gang feud because he lives in  the same neighborhood and his make of car and car registration was similar to Mironescu’s.

In London, Proca shot Gherman Gorbuntsov, 46, a controversial  Moldovan-Russian banker, according to law enforcement in Moldova and the United Kingdom. Gorbuntsov, nicknamed the “Black Banker” has been investigated in Moldova for fraud and money laundering. Moldovan police believe a rival gang paid Proca to kill Gorbuntsov. Gorbuntsov survived  as well and now lives under around–the-clock police protection.  (SEE SIDE STORY/The Black Banker)

Proca was arrested in Moscow after an Interpol arrest warrant was issued by Romanian authorities in his name.

Murderer at 18

Proca was arrested in Moscow

Proca, however, should never have even been in London or Bucharest.  A career offender, Proca should have been safely locked in prison but either excessive leniency by Moldovan officials or some help from his  friends freed him.

Blonde and athletic, Proca, grew up in the tiny village of Pitusca,  about an hour drive from the Moldova’s capital of Chisinau.  Local  townspeople and his teachers remember Proca as bright, capable and good  with the girls.  Others remember a tendency to steal even from his  mother’s own pharmacy. In 1997, however, at only 18 years of age, Proca  showed the depth of the violence he was capable of. On Christmas day, he  and three accomplices broke into the house of a family in a neighboring  town intending to rob them.  He tied the mother of a two year old child  and another woman and beat them to death with a metal pipe. The third  woman was also tortured and burnt with a clothing iron before passing  out, according to the indictment. She survived because Proca believed her to be dead.

Proca was convicted to life for the sadistic crime, but two years  after the sentencing, in 2000, a Moldovan court for reasons unknown and  despite the violence of the crime decided to reduce his sentence to 25  years and, in 2010, the Supreme Court of Justice in Chisinau further  reduced the sentencing to 20 years. In a surprising twist, also in 2010,  Judge Andrei Bălan, decided that Proca should be a free man despite the  fact that the Moldovan law says prisoners can only be paroled if they  have served two thirds of their sentence. Proca was still required to  serve a minimum of three more years. On top of that, according to prison  authorities, he was never a model inmate and continued his violent ways  being involved in no less than 50 offences while in custody. However,  the court decided Proca deserved leniency because he had a child who he  fathered during a conjugal visit in jail and because he allegedly  suffered from poor health. In September 2010, Proca walked out a free  man from the Rezina penitentiary.  At some point, Proca gained an  ownership share in a pharmacy called “The Health in Pitusca” SRL in his  native village. Judge Bălan is currently under investigation for releasing Proca.

The Assassins Trail

OCCRP accessed Moldovan border crossing logs that show Proca’s travels after his release from jail.  These 22 detailed log entries point out to dates and places he crossed  borders and the vehicles he was driving. The cars Proca was driving  connect him to a network of other killers for hire and crime figures.

In the morning of October 27, 2011, Proca crossed the border from  Moldova into Romania through the Sculeni border point at the wheel of an  Audi A6 belonging to a Romanian limited liability company, Clandak SRL.  The company is owned by Robert Gîrleanu, a Moldovan-Romanian citizen  who was arrested in Romania and charged with killing, burning and  burying three car thieves in the Moldovan woods in 2000. The Moldovan authorities say that Ion Anton Druță, alias “Vanea The Writer” – a Moldovan underworld figure, ordered the assassinations. Druță runs a commercial company in the same Romanian city of Iași where Clandak SRL is headquartered.


Robert Gîrleanu is charged with a triple murder in the Republic of Moldova

Clandak SRL was established in 2005 by Iurii Cheptea, a  Romanian-Moldovan citizen. In 2007, the company was handed over to  Robert Gîrleanu and his wife, who is still the director of the company.  Cheptea and Gîrleanu are accused by Romanian prosecutors of smuggling  cigarettes between Moldova and Romania.

According  to Romanian law enforcement, they were working with a  Romanian organized crime group – the Corduneni Clan. Gîrleanu developed  real estate businesses  with Iulian Dănuț Ilincariu,  a prominent member of the clan, Ilincariu told OCCRP. Ilincariu  together with other members of the clan was charged in 2010 with  organized crime activities and fraud by Romanian prosecutors.  In the past few years the relationships between Gîrleanu and Ilincariu  deteriorated and the pair are now suing each other in court over joint real estate investments.

Proca returned to Chișinău nine days later on the 4th of November but  this time in a different car, a Volkswagen Golf registered to another  Romanian commercial company, Vino Bianco SRL. The same Volkswagen Golf  was driven across the Romanian-Moldovan border in 2010 by Druță-aka “Vanea the Writer”.   The private limited company that registered the car is administered by  Victor Dragoș Niță, a Romanian citizen accused of aiding the alleged  killers of Valer Damian, a controversial businessman from Bacău, Romania  who was tortured and murdered in August 2011. Damian was previously  imprisoned for tax evasion and money laundering. During the  investigation of the murder, Niță provided police with fake alibis for  Grigore and Tudor Druță, the brothers of Ion Anton Druță, who were  eventually arrested for the murder. According to Romanian prosecutors, Niță and the Druță brothers are relatives.

While the border logs establish connections between Proca and other  alleged assassins for hire, the entries right before and after the  London and Bucharest assassination attempts show a more cautious Proca  using public transportation. Proca entered Romania from Moldova on the  March 1, 2012 aboard a Scania tourist bus that crossed the border in the  Oancea border point, in Galați county. Nineteen days later, on March  20, Proca shot Gorbunțov in London. Three days later Proca returned to  Chișinău by airplane from Milan, Italy.

The next time he crossed the Romanian border was on the 14th of  November 2012 aboard a Renault Espace van. Passenger vans are regularly  used by small travel companies between Moldova and Romania. On the 26th  of November, Proca allegedly pumped ten bullets into an innocent man who  was mistaken for an underworld figure. A week later Proca returned to  Moldova in a Volkswagen passenger van through the same border point at  Sculeni where he exited Moldova.

Vitalie Proca was wanted through the Interpol

Other border logs point out to connections between Proca and Proca’s brother-in-law David Davitean, who is charged with racketeering in Moldova.

According to an indictment seen by OCCRP,  David Davitean was involved in aggravated assault in November 2012 when  he broke into a Chișinău apartment. Davitean beat up three men and  robbed them off their money and mobile phones. He was also charged in  2004 with attempted murder when he shot a man in a Chișinău bar.

Proca’s next trip outside of Moldova was, by plane, to Verona, the  Italian city where Shakespeare based his “Romeo and Juliet”on December  22, 2012. However the next log entry showed Proca arriving at Chișinău’s  airport on the 17th of January 2013 from Moscow. He was travelling with  his 3-month-old son, Vitalii Proca, who was born one month before the  Bucharest assassination attempt. Proca, however, turned right around and  returned to Moscow three hours later with Vitalii, his other son Tigran  and his brother-in-law Davitean.

There he was arrested on arrival, handcuffed and taken into custody  by the Russian police. Moldovan authorities told OCCRP that both Proca  and Davitean used fake passports on occasion so that the border logs may  not show all of their border crossings.

Where is the Money?

Proca’s close relatives including his mother as well as his  mother-in-law, Venerea Gasparean believe Proca is not guilty. Gasparean,  the mother of Davitean, is a well-known Armenian-Moldovan singer.

“Everything the authorities and media say are lies. Vitalie is not  guilty but someone wants him as a scapegoat. He’s never been to London.  He was in Italy visiting some relatives and he had no way of getting to  London. It’s very easy for the authorities to check the dates in the  passport.” She also says that Proca’s alleged involvement in the  assassination attempt in Bucharest is also false. She explained that  Proca often crossed the border to Romania because he intended to open up  a business and move there together with his family. “It’s all made up.  They say he received €20,000. Where is the money? He didn’t even have  money to go to Moscow with his children. I gave him money.” said  Gasparean.
SIDE STORY/Buried in the Woods

The three assassinations that Robert Gîrleanu is charged with were  committed in 2000 in the Ialoveni region in the Republic of Moldova. The  victims were three Moldovan luxury car thiefs: Ilie Buruiană, Mihai  Guzun and Andrei Plămădeală. They were kidnapped, tortured, and then  executed with a semi-automatic pistol. Their bodies were burnt and  buried in the woods. It took 9 years, until 2009, before their charred  corpses were found and identified. Moldovan investigators believe  Gîrleanu, who had three accomplices, led the execution squad. One of the  accomplices, Dumitru Nicolae Catruc was detained soon after the murders  by the Moldovan police and he confessed describing, in great detail,  the murders. Catruc identified the others and pointed out that the  assassination was ordered by Ion Anton Druță, alias “Vanea the Writer”- a  Moldovan underworld figure. However, the videotaped confession went  missing from the police file allowing Druță and Gîrleanu to remain free  for years. It was only in 2010 that the video tape resurfaced allowing  the Moldovan prosecutors to charge Druță, Gîrleanu and the others with  murder.

“Vanea the Writer” and Gîrleanu hid in Romania, mostly in the capital  Bucharest and in the city of Iași in north Romania, where they obtained  Romanian citizenship. According to the Moldovan authorities, both are  lieutenants of Ion Gușan, a feared Moldovan vor-v-zakone- thief in the  code, a term in the former Soviet Union that was an equivalent of a top  organized crime figure.

A Romanian prosecution indictment that charges Ion Druță with cigarettes smuggling portrays him as a  highly dangerous person. “The Writer managed to corrupt policemen and  prosecutors after he established himself in the city of Iași. He managed  to control part of the Corduneni clan, a powerful organized crime group  in Iași and he humiliated members of the clan by forcing them to kneel  in front of him in the street” say Romanian prosecutors who also add  that The Writer and his group operate four or five clandestine  cigarettes factories in Romania.

In 2010, Gîrleanu was arrested in Romania for cigarette smuggling  unrelated to the murders. The Romanian prosecutors say that Gîrleanu was  the leader of a smuggling ring after they discovered over 650,000 packs  of cigarettes hidden in a warehouse in Urziceni, Romania. Romanian  authorities said that the unpaid tax for these cigarettes was about €1  million. Gîrleanu was freed on bail pending trial in the smuggling case.  He was arrested again in June 2011 in the triple murder case and is  still behind bars.

Druță, according to Moldovan authorities, ordered the triple  assassination that was carried out by Gîrleanu but he has many other  criminal business ties to Gîrleanu. Druță is currently charged with  providing protection to Gîrleanu’s cigarettes smuggling network.  Romanian prosecutors mention in documents obtained by OCCRP of an  instance where a competitor in the cigarette smuggling industry, Ion  Mesina, was kidnapped and threatened at gunpoint. Mesina was, according  to an indictment, smuggling in the same region with Gîrleanu and the  latter wanted him out. The Writer’s younger brothers, Grigore and Tudor  Druță, were arrested earlier this year for the 2011 murder of Valeriu  Damian, a controversial businessman from Bacău Romania. Romanian  authorities believed they ordered the torturing and killing of the  businessman.

SIDE STORY / The Black Banker’s Wars

Gherman Gorbuntsov, aka “The Black Banker” owned a controlling  interest in the Moldovan bank, Universalbank from 2008 to mid 2011. In  August, 2011, 78 per cent of Universalbank shares were traded on the  Moldovan stock exchange. The trades were a surprise to Gorbuntsov who  immediately organized a press conference saying that he was the victim  of a “raider attack”- a hostile takeover of his company based on forged  documentation. A few days afterward, Renat Usatîi, the new controlling  shareholder, said that,under Gorbuntsov, Universalbank was laundering  between US$5 and US$10 million per day. Shortly after, Universalbank  entered bankruptcy and the National Bank of Moldova withdrew its  operating license. Moldova has been known as a money laundering haven  with millions of illicitly earned money pouring through its banks  including money stolen from the Russian budget in the Magnitsky case.

OCCRP obtained copies of phone taps made by Moldovan police between  Renat Usatîi and other suspected criminal figures. In one of the  recordings Usatîi talks to Alexei Bucătaru, aka “Lioha The Cook”, a  former lieutenant of Malhaz Djaparidze – a Moldovan vor-v-zakone who  died in 2008 in a Moldovan prison. Usatîi and Bucătaru discussed plans  to recover the money that Gorbunțsov allegedly owed to Russian  businessmen who Usatîi claimed to represent.

In the beginning of 2012, the Chișinău prosecution announced that Gorbuntsov was wanted for a series of illegal activities.

“Gorbuntsov is also under investigation for his alleged involvement  in a murder attempt on Renat Usatîi” says Cornel Bratunov, chief  prosecutor in Moldovan prosecutor’s office.

The Moldovan authorities sent an extradition request to the UK government but Gorbuntsov has not yet been extradited.

This is a joint investigative effort by The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project and The Guardian.



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