Smugglers’ secret tricks to send cigarettes into Europe: Pictures reveal Belarusian gangs fit cars with ‘smoke holes’ where dozens of fakes can be stashed

From: Mail Online

  • Images show secret spots used by tobacco  smugglers to stash cigarettes
  • It is thought Belarusian  mechanics

By Kerry Mcdermott

These pictures reveal the crafty tricks used  by tobacco smugglers to carry counterfeit cigarettes into Europe  undetected.

From scores of cigarette boxes stashed inside  a spare tyre, to packets piled high behind a rear bumper, they show the array of  hidden compartments created in eastern European smugglers’ cars.

It is thought that some garages in Belarus – where the pictures were taken – have started offering a whole new service for  clients; installing secret cubbyholes in vehicles anywhere from the dashboard to  the bumper for drivers to stash cigarettes.

Hidden compartment: Boxes of counterfeit cigarettes stashed in the bumper of a Renault car to be smuggled into the EU
Hidden compartment: Boxes of counterfeit cigarettes  stashed in the bumper of a Renault car to be smuggled into the EU


The smugglers can then drive across borders  into the European Union in the hope that their hidden hauls will escape the  attention of the authorities.

In the UK, HM Revenue and Customs estimates  that tobacco fraud costs the government around £1.8billion every year.

Last month more than 30 million illegal  cigarettes were discovered at Southampton Container Port in a shipment that was  supposed to contain wind turbines.

They were thought to be counterfeit  cigarettes that originated in China.

The smugglers had described the containers  contents as ‘wind turbine parts’ on import documents in a bid to avoid paying  more than £8million in taxes and duty, HMRC said at the time.

Customised cars: It is thought that many garages in Belarus will install hidden compartments in vehicles for motorists looking to conceal a stash of cigarettes
Customised cars: It is thought that many garages in  Belarus will install hidden compartments in vehicles for motorists looking to  conceal a stash of cigarettes
Smuggling: HM Revenue and Customs has said tobacco fraud costs the UK government around £1.8billion a yearSmuggling: HM Revenue and Customs has said tobacco fraud  costs the UK government around £1.8billion a year
Secret stash: Packets of cigarettes are seen stashed behind the rear bumper of this car
Secret stash: Packets of cigarettes are seen stashed  behind the rear bumper of this car
Crafty: The pictures show the array of secret spots on a vehicle that can be used to stash cigarettes; from the dashboard to the bumper
Crafty: The pictures show the array of secret spots on a  vehicle that can be used to stash cigarettes; from the dashboard to the  bumper
Contraband: UK Border Force has issued a series of warnings about the black market in tobacco, which it says cheats honest traders
Contraband: UK Border Force has issued a series of  warnings about the black market in tobacco, which it says cheats honest traders

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