Chinese man gets 16 months over cargo load of counterfeit Marlboros

From: Providence Journal

By Donita Naylor

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A Chinese man was sentenced to 16 months in federal prison Friday for arranging the shipment from China of a 20-foot cargo container of counterfeit Marlboro cigarettes that was earmarked for Rhode Island.

Lin Xiao Wei, 33, has been detained since his arrest in Miami last June 4, after he met in a Miami hotel with an informant and an undercover FDA agent. Shipping documents claimed the container held 696 cartons of leather products.

On Feb. 1, Wei pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court, Providence, to one count of causing the sale of counterfeit tobacco products in U.S.

The offices of U.S. Attorney Peter F. Neronha and Food and Drug Administration Special Agent Mark Dragonetti announced the sentencing Monday in a news release.


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