Cigarette smugglers on flight from Lithuania were caught when fellow passengers suspected their specially adapted waistcoats were ‘fat suits’

From: Daily Mail

  • The smugglers had  3,800 cigarettes stashed in their waistcoats
  • They had  specially adapted deep pockets to conceal the large packets
  • Almost 24,000  cigarettes were found in their hand luggage
  • Border  officials said it was an ‘unusual and quite convincing’ concealment

By Becky Evans

Tobacco smugglers who hid thousands of  illicit cigarettes in specially adapted waistcoats on a flight from Lithuania  were caught out because fellow passengers thought they were wearing ‘fat suits’.

The three men stored large cartons in deep  concealed pockets but their bizarre appearance, with bulky objects protruding  from their under their jackets, led officers and passengers to become  suspicious.

UK border officials found 3,800 cigarettes  stashed on their bodies when they were searched at Leeds Bradford International  Airport.

The smugglers used waistcoats with specially adapted pockets to conceal large cartons of cigarettes The smugglers used waistcoats with specially adapted  pockets to conceal large cartons of cigarettes


Their bizarre appearance raised suspicions among passengers who thought they were wearing fat suitsTheir bizarre appearance raised suspicions among  passengers who thought they were wearing fat suits

A further 23,700 smuggled cigarettes were  then found in their luggage.

Passengers had raised concerns about the  strange appearance of the three men during the flight on Tuesday, May 28.

Border officials also became  suspicious that two male  passengers arriving on a flight from Vilnius,  Lithuania, were wearing  bulky and ill-fitting jackets.

They were searched at just after 11pm, along  with a third Lithuanian man travelling with them.

The trio were stopped and searched as they left the flight at Leeds Bradford International Airport The trio were stopped and searched as they left the  flight at Leeds Bradford International Airport

Passengers thought they were wearing a fat suit like Gwyneth Paltrow in the film Shallow Hal Passengers thought they were wearing a fat suit like  Gwyneth Paltrow in the film Shallow Hal

Sam Bullimore, assistant director for  Border  Force North, said: ‘This was an unusual concealment, and on the  face of it  quite convincing, but our expert officers are trained to  expect the  unexpected.’

He said criminal gangs often use the proceeds  of tobacco smuggling to fund serious organised crime.

Mr Bullimore said: ‘By stopping these  shipments we are starving them of the proceeds of their criminality.

‘Tobacco smuggling also deprives the economy  of significant revenue at a time when the country can least afford  it.

‘I would urge anyone tempted by cheap  cigarettes and tobacco to think again.

‘The black market cheats honest  traders.

‘It is totally unregulated so buyers have no  way of knowing what they are actually getting and, worst of all, further up the  supply chain serious criminals are reaping the rewards.’

Officers found 3,800 cigarettes concealed in  adapted pouches on the front and back of two waistcoats worn by the  men.

The trio were also carrying 23,700 cigarettes  in their hand  luggage, making a total of 27,500.


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