Liverpool gangs cash in on counterfeit cigarettes

From: Liverpool Echo

Illicit tobacco is on the rise with packets going for as little as £3.40-a-pack

An investigation today revealed that the sale of illicit tobacco is on the rise – with almost one-third of cigarettes smoke in the city counterfeit or smuggled.

Specialist investigator Will O’Reilly, a former Scotland Yard detective chief inspector, today warned that the trade in contraband cigarettes was the new “crime of choice” for organised gangs.

Huge profits are there to be made by crime syndicates by smuggling illicit tobacco.

Mr Reilly conducted test purchases across Liverpool as part of research into the scale of the growing epidemic.

He told how a “surprising number” of city corner shops and newsagents had below-the-counter  supplies of ‘illicit whites’ – dodgy cigarettes manufactured explicitly to be smuggled.

They include bogus brands called ‘Jin Ling’ and ‘Raquel’.

Mr Reilly said: We made quite a number of test purchases at newsagents and corner shops in Liverpool. The  cheapest we found was £3.40 a pack.

“One of the sales was at a market stall from behind hundreds of boxes of clothing.

“You also have the sales in public houses where someone is going round with a bag of  cigarettes but there are also people selling from private addresses.”

Of hundreds of packs recovered from the city streets and easy access bins for the study, 27%  were found to be either counterfeit, smuggled or illicit whites.

In December 2011, that figure stood at under 20%.

Mr Reilly said it was the burgeoning trade in illegal whites that caused significant concern.

He said: “There are massive profits to be made here.

“Some of these cigarettes are manufactured for 25p a pack and they are smuggled in vast  quantities.

“Organised crime is more involved in cigarette smuggling than it ever has before.

“It is about risk and reward for them. Why do drug importations that carry massive risk and hefty  prison sentences when you can smuggle tobacco, where the risks if you’re caught out are much  less and the profits can be just as large.

Mr Reilly, who has been conducting research on behalf of tobacco giant Philip Morris  International, also told of the increased dangers of smoking the unregulated cigarettes

He added: “You have no idea what’s in them. There has been evidence of them containing human faeces, rat droppings and saw-dust. Some of the heavy metals that are used have been said to be 30x higher than in legitimate  cigarettes.”


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