Plain packaging would open flood gates for counterfeit tobacco products claims North West Euro MP

From: St Helens Star

NORTH West Euro-MP Paul Nuttall claims plain packaging for cigarettes would be “dangerous”.

“This will open the flood gates for counterfeit cigarettes to submerge the market,” said the UKIP deputy leader.

His comments follow David Cameron ordering a re-think about introducing plain packing.

He said: “Once again, the Tories are having to perform a u-turn because the upper chamber have rubbished their previous decision.

“On Thursday Health Minister Jane Ellison tried to say this is about public health, but she has been forced to admit that plain packaging will make it much easier for cheap, counterfeit cigarettes to flood our pubs and playgrounds.

“The dealers will not be paying tobacco tax, so they will be affordable to more people, including kids with pocket money, and that’s particularly dangerous as the black-market products will bypass all current regulations, so goodness only knows what will be in them.”

“I can see why Cameron wants plain fag packets though, he needs something to write future government policy on.”



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