Federal indictment hits unusual target: Russian medicine

From: The Baltimore Sun

By Justin George, The Baltimore Sun

When federal authorities indicted an alleged Pikesville crime ring on charges of trafficking millions of dollars’ worth of smuggled cigarettes, they also accused the group of moving an unusual piece of contraband: a medication sold over the counter in Russia.

Valocordin, a muscle relaxant and sedative also known as Corvalol or Corvalolum, is commonly bought by Russians in pharmacies to treat heart ailments, high blood pressure and anxiety. The clear syrup, mixed into a glass of water, is considered to be as harmless as most over-the-counter cough medicines are in the United States.

But U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials say Valocordin can be addictive and deadly in large doses — issues highlighted in this month’s indictments detailing the alleged smuggling operation and the role of a Pikesville pharmacy.

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