Tobacco tax hike leaves the door open to smuggling increase

From: SeawayNews

CORNWALL, Ontario – Fears are emerging that the tobacco smuggling trade in and around Cornwall will be bolstered by news that cigarette taxes are going up.

In a surprise move Tuesday the federal government announced a significant increase in the amount smokers north of the border will pay to light up – even so-called “duty free” tobacco won’t be spared from the tax hike.

Cornwall Community Police Service Chief Dan Parkinson told Seaway News while the government has thrown more than $91 million at augmenting the RCMP’s ability to combat contraband tobacco it’s not difficult to think smugglers will look to capitalize on a changing market.

“ I would assume that the potential to increase ill-gotten gains would emerge as a significant motivator for organized crime to continue or grow,” he said. “No matter how many police resources you throw at this type of problem, there will be no successful outcome without very tight coordination and sharing of information and new technology.”

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