Smuggling on the U.S.- Canada Border: Contraband, Crime, and Terror

From: Woodrow Wilson Center/Canada Institute


Smuggling on the U.S.- Canada Border: Contraband, Crime, and Terror

March 04, 2014 // 9:00am —  12:00pm

Cross-border smuggling and border vulnerabilities on the tribal lands that straddle New York, Quebec, and Ontario are not new, but there is now increasing evidence linking the illicit tobacco network to terrorist funding, organized crime networks, and illegal movements of narcotics, weapons, and people.

The “Smuggling on the U.S-Canada Border: Contraband, Crime, and Terror” half-day conference will bring together First Nations leaders, subject matter specialists, and government officials to conduct one of the first dialogues on bi-national contraband to be held in the United States.

Panel One: Cross-Border Contraband in the St. Lawrence Corridor and U.S.-Canada Relations


  • Chief Brian David, Chief, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
  • Chief Steve F. Thomas, Chief, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
  • Rear Admiral Michael Parks, Former Commander, 9th Coast Guard District, U.S. Coast GuardModerator: Laura Dawson, Dawson Strategic

Panel Two: Implications of Illicit Trade for National, Bi-national, and Global Security


  • Matt King, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of International Affairs, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  • Sam Schear, Associate Director, The Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations

Moderator: Laura Dawson


6th Floor, Woodrow Wilson Center

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