Fake cigarettes sold to children in Middlesbrough

From: GazetteLive.co.UK

CHILDREN as young as seven are being sold fake cigarettes at dozens of “tab houses” in Middlesbrough, officials have warned.

The counterfeit fags pose a greater threat to smokers’ health than the real thing, consumer watchdogs say.

Middlesbrough Council’s trading standards team has subjected counterfeit cigarettes and tobacco to chemical analysis.

The tests have shown the fake tobacco often contains an even more damaging cocktail of chemicals than their shop bought counterparts.

Checks revealed the counterfeit cigarettes seized contained an average of 63% more tar than genuine products – with figures as high as 130% being recorded.

Levels of carbon monoxide given off by the fake cigarettes were also significantly higher – samples produced nearly 30% more on average reaching a high of 80%. Tests for other harmful substances showed the fakes also contained up to three times as much cadmium, seven times as much arsenic, and 10 times as much lead as legal alternatives.

Over the last year, officers have raided nine properties and seized a large quantity of cigarettes and tobacco.

John Wells, the council’s Community Protection Department operations managers, said Trading Standards believed there were more than 50 “cigarette houses” in the town – adding Trading Standards believed children as young as seven were customers.

“Tackling the supply of illegal tobacco in the town has been a major Trading Standards priority over the past year,” he said.

“There has always been a lot of speculation and not a lot of data about what counterfeit cigarettes contain – this important analysis has at last allowed us to get a clearer picture – and it looks grim.”

Edward Kunonga, Middlesbrough’s interim director of public health, said smoking is the single most preventable cause of ill-health in the local population.

“These illegal cigarettes contain extremely toxic levels that hasten the development and progression of smoking related diseases – such as bronchitis, lung cancer, heart and circulatory diseases – and could lead to premature death,” he warned.

“I would like to urge the public to support us in our efforts to stamp out this practice.”

Brenda Thompson, executive councillor for public health and sport, said: “Our message remains unchanged: Don’t smoke cigarettes – genuine or counterfeit.

“The results of these tests are shocking and give the clearest warning possible to smokers to turn their backs on tobacco houses.”

Anyone wanting to report the sale of illegal tobacco from a house can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Help and support to quit smoking is available by calling the Stop Smoking Service on 01287 284487.


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