Video Store Shuttered for Selling Counterfeit Cigarettes, Officials Say

From: DNAinfo New York

By Katie Honan

ACKSON HEIGHTS — A video and cellphone store was shuttered after undercover investigators found the shop was selling illegal cigarettes, according to court documents.

Mollika Video on 37th Road, near 74th Street, was closed by the NYPD on Saturday, its gates rolled down and marked with neon stickers.

The small store, which sells cellphones, imported CDs and and Bollywood films, was also hawking bogus name-brand cigarettes without paying the hefty New York State tax, according to officials.

A private investigator said he bought a carton of Marlboro cigarettes on April 26, 2013 from Mollika that didn’t have the New York State tax stamp on it, according to documents filed in Queens Supreme Court.

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