RCMP unveils massive border security project

From: Ottawa Citizen

Ian MacLeod A state-of-the-art surveillance system is planned to watch activity along the Canada-U.S. border, the RCMP told a major security conference in Ottawa Tuesday.

New details surfaced Tuesday about a massive intelligence-gathering network of RCMP video cameras, radar, ground sensors, thermal radiation detectors and more to be erected along the Ontario and Quebec borders with the United States – which could eventually have access to the collected data.

The $92-million surveillance web, formally known as the Border Integrity Technology Enhancement Project, will be concentrated in more than 100 “high-risk” cross-border crime zones spanning 700 kilometres of eastern Canada, said RCMP Assistant Commissioner Joe Oliver, head of technical operations. He was addressing security industry executives attending the SecureTech conference and trade show at Ottawa’s Shaw Centre.


The project was announced under the 2014 federal budget, but framed solely as a measure to improve the RCMP’s ability to combat contraband cigarette smuggling.

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