HM Revenue & Customs Consultation Document; Control of Raw Tobacco

Editor’s Note: The complete consultation document may be found here. Comments are due by 30 January 2015.

From: HM Revenue & Customs

Control of Raw Tobacco

Subject of this consultation:

This consultation concerns the formal consultation on new arrangements for the control of raw tobacco.

Scope of this consultation:

The Government has decided to introduce controls on the holding and movement of raw tobacco in order to reduce the risk of evasion of excise duty.


However,  we  are  not  complacent  and  recognise  that  the  risk  from  the  organised criminal gangs behind the illicit trade in tobacco remains high and constantly evolves. The availability  of  raw  tobacco  in  the  UK  presents  a significant growing risk fuelling illegal cigarette and hand-rolling tobacco manufacture. This is why at Budget 2014 we announced  that we would  consult  on  a  range  of  measures  to  strengthen the UK’s response to tobacco smuggling, including increasing controls on raw tobacco.

Read Complete Document


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