Local forces tackle contraband

From: Intelligencer.ca

BELLEVILLE – In the event Belleville police would stop a truckload of contraband, officers would have to stand by and call either the RCMP or Ontario Revenue to investigate.

A situation both the national spokesperson for the National Coalition Against Contraband Tobacco, Gary Grant, and Belleville Police Chief Cory MacKay agree should change through the adoption of new legislature.


Quick facts about contraband tobacco

  • -175 criminal gangs are profiting from the trade in contraband tobacco, funding guns, drugs and human smuggling.
  • -In 2011 alone, the overall contraband tobacco trade in Ontario cost an estimated $698 million to $1.1 billion in lost tax revenues to both the federal and provincial governments.
  • -Contraband tobacco’s low price and easy accessibility makes it a key source of youth smoking.
  • -In 2007, 2008 and 2009 the Canadian Convenience Stores Association conducted a major study into the proliferation of contraband tobacco at high schools in Ontario and Quebec.
  • -As of 2011, the RCMP has identified more than 175 organized crime groups involved in the trafficking of contraband tobacco.
  • -Lab analysis shows insect eggs, dead flies, mould, even human feces have appeared in contraband cigarettes.

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