Nova Scotia Menthol Ban will Fuel Contraband Tobacco


30 million more illegal cigarettes to be sold in the province each year

OTTAWA, April 20, 2015 /CNW/ – The National Coalition Against Contraband Tobacco (NCACT) is deeply alarmed with the government of Nova Scotia’s proposed ban on menthol tobacco will contribute to the province’s growing illegal tobacco problem. The ban, proposed on April 17th, could come into effect as early as May 31st.

“The discussion here is not about menthol, it’s about the implementation of additional measures that will fuel contraband and crime. With this proposed law, Nova Scotia will be directly handing an additional 30 million cigarettes each year to the illegal market,” said Gary Grant, a 39-year veteran of the Toronto Police Service and national spokesperson for the NCACT.

“May 31st is World No Tobacco Day, which this year is focused on the global challenge of contraband tobacco,” continued Grant. “The unfortunate irony is that, unless the ban on menthol cigarettes is postponed, this year Nova Scotia will be marking the day by adding millions more cigarettes to the illegal market.”

“There are already twice as many illegal menthol products available in the market as legal ones, meaning that the primary effect of this law will be to increase the illegal tobacco market in Nova Scotia. Alarmingly, the criminals that run the trade are ready to take advantage of this,” said Grant.

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