How is a thousand trucks smuggled cigarettes in the market?

Editor’s Note: Translation via Bing Translate. For more information about Iran and cigarette smuggling, see here.

From: Mashreg News (Iran)

Deputy Health Minister strongly criticized the authorities in the fight against contraband, asked why no one noticed the arrival of a thousand trucks a year of not smoking, he said, how a thousand trucks a uniform price for all cigarettes sold in Iran.

According to the East, following the increase in cigarette taxes withheld for 94 years from the decision that the Commission incorporate Parliament, the latest action in the field of Deputy Health Minister Ali Akbar Sayari critical stance on the issue was repeatedly asked mobile said it is not every day that the budget bill and the producers, consumers and dealers did not allow smoking in the House before the law, the media and the media can not help but notice the bright lights keep.

Mobile explain the fact that the words you Astnbad that no legislation has been done by the drug, said it, it’s really unfortunate that the Leader say billions of dollars in our country is smuggled, however, higher than the Leader to do.

Deputy Minister of Health about why Parliamentarians opposed? Said ask themselves, they had Astnbad that increases taxes for tobacco smuggled.

Sayari said, I am claiming that a thousand trucks a year in cigarette smuggling, the trafficking definition and interpretation, because how can a thousand trucks a uniform price of cigarettes into the country and sold in Iran and the forces that responsible for fighting human trafficking do not understand! So I have this issue that is smuggled annually a thousand trucks can not accept it.

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