The largest network of contraband cigarettes and liquor in the country fell (Columbia)

Editor’s Note: Translated from the Spanish via Bing. The original article, Cayó la más grande red de contrabando de cigarrillos y licor del país, is here.

From: Semana

The Organization handled 70 percent of the illegal goods and moving 550 vehicles. After a RAID, the national police captured 14 of its members.

These are those captured by smuggling

In just six years a small criminal organization managed to catapult as the country’s largest network of smuggling of cigarettes and liquors. According to the investigation by the authorities, the criminal group illegally imported more than 11,800 units from 75,000 liters of liquor and cigarettes.

It is estimated that the fraud to the State for tax evasion amounted to 463.000 million pesos. Thanks to an investigation of a year and a half, police managed to capture 14 of the members of the Organization, among which was an active member of the police. Most, ten, were captured in Maicao (La Guajira). Other arrests occurred in Fusagasuga, Valledupar and Medellín.

In operation fell three ringleaders: Marlen Joavi Franco, Óscar Mario Toro and Yuri square Brito. Among the detainees are also owners of facade companies, their legal representatives and even reviewers prosecutors.

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