In fact: Mali hotel attack- Lessons from the relentless jihad in the Sahara sands

From: The Indian Express

The attack should have reminded the world just what the war against Islamist violence is about: savagery can only too easily bury in the sand the great achievements of great civilisations.

Written by Praveen Swami


Even as other Algerian jihadists headed towards France and the United Kingdom — among them, Djamel Beghal, mentor to Paris massacre architect Abdelhamid Abaaoud and Charlie Hebdo attacker Chérif Kouachi — Belmokhtar retreated into the desert.

He raised millions for the jihad by capturing control of cigarette smuggling routes across the Sahel, and kidnapping western tourists for ransom. He also developed formidable local contacts, marrying women from four different, warring tribes.

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