National Capital Area Crime Stoppers Raising Awareness on Contraband Tobacco, Gang Violence and Organized Crime [Canada]

From: National Coalition Against Contraband Tobacco (NCACT)


Richard McMullen, President of National Capital Area Crime Stoppers Gary Grant, Founder of Toronto Crime Stoppers and National Spokesperson for the National Coalition Against Contraband Tobacco (NCACT)


Richard and Gary will address the rising trend of gang violence and organized crime in Ottawa fuelled in part by the illegal cigarette trade. There is currently a public outreach initiative being undertaken by National Capital Area Crime Stoppers and the NCACT to raise awareness on this issue including a number of advertisements across the city and materials being distributed at events across Ottawa. 


This week is National Police Week, and Crime Stoppers and the NCACT are partnering to raise awareness on the fact that proceeds from the sale of contraband tobacco fund criminal activity in communities across southern Ontario, including Ottawa. National Capital Area Crime Stoppers wants to inform Ottawans on how this illegal trade impacts them and directly funds other illicit activity involving firearms and drug smuggling. Several large scale advertisements detailing the connection between organized crime and contraband cigarettes are up in select locations across Ottawa, including areas close to Ottawa Police HQ, Parliament Hill and the constituency offices of the Hon. Yasir Naqvi, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, and the Hon. Madeleine Meilleur, Ontario’s Attorney General.  


Gary and Richard will be available for media interviews on Tuesday, May 10th, 2016.


Ottawa, Ontario.


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