Revenue seize nine million cigarettes described as ‘sports socks’

From: TheJournal.IE

OFFICERS FROM Revenue Customs Service have seized nine million cigarettes which arrived in Ireland described as ‘sports socks’.

The seizure – in conjunction with the gardaí – was made at a premises in Co Monaghan on Saturday with the ‘President’ brand cigarettes carrying an estimated street value of €3.8 million and a potential loss to the Exchequer of €3.2 million.

The cigarettes had arrived at Dublin Port in a 40-foot maritime container from Malaysia, via Rotterdam and were described as ‘sports socks’ on the manifest.

The seizure was made as part of an ongoing strategy between Revenue and the gardaí to combat cigarette and tobacco smuggling into Ireland.

The Revenue has reminded anyone who is tempted to buy cheap cigarettes from an irregular source that there is a “high possibility” they are counterfeit and provide an unknown set of health risks.

“It also takes much needed funds from the exchequer; hurts legitimate trade and is funding criminal activity,” a statement says.

Anyone any information regarding the smuggling or sale of illegal cigarettes can contact Revenue on 1800 295 295.


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