Pakistan losing billions in revenues due to sale of smuggled cigarettes

From: Daily Times

By Qazi Ziad

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is losing billions of rupees in the annual excise revenue due to large scale and organised smuggling of internationally renowned brands into Pakistan via Afghanistan.


As per the report there is a big question mark whether the proceeds from cigarette smuggling are funding terrorism in Pakistan. The report states that smuggling involves middlemen who ensure safe and timely delivery of goods at an agreed location. Middlemen bear the responsibility for bribing the officials or any mafia that may come in the way of transportation. It is anticipated that fees for protection and passage reach the militants who control the smuggling routes.The Torkham-Peshawar route in Khyber agency was reportedly controlled by the banned militant organisation, Lashkar -e-Islami MangalBagh, which charged a passage fee for goods passing through its territory. Now the route is controlled by law enforcement agencies. But protection money also needs to be paid to a local warlord along the Spin Baldak-Chaman route.

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One Response to Pakistan losing billions in revenues due to sale of smuggled cigarettes

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