The province last year destroyed 183 dens of counterfeit cigarettes

Editor’s Note: Translation courtesy of the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness

From: Han Net – Changjiang Daily Author: Wang Zhixin Zhang Huaizhong

The province last year destroyed 183 counterfeit cigarette dens.

The province’s tobacco business systems will be informed that last year the province investigated cases involving 28,653 from the tobacco, manufacturing and selling counterfeit cigarettes destroyed 183 dens against persons involved in illegal tobacco 1107, and found illegal Cigarette 1,691,800, standard value of 1.9 billion yuan.

Last year, the province strengthened and Guangdong, Fujian and other key sources of regional cooperation, improve inter-regional coordination mechanism for joint action.

Provincial Tobacco Monopoly Bureau also communication, public security departments set up to combat illegal use of the Internet coordination mechanism of tobacco monopoly commodities, and Wuhan Customs set up to combat smuggling of tobacco monopoly commodities coordination mechanism.

Provincial and county levels to carry out a comprehensive tobacco law enforcement agencies unannounced visits to check the retail market, to carry out multi-year cigarette counterfeiting market regulation Hundred Days special actions to combat illegal possession of (traffic) Cigarette special operations to combat counterfeit cigarettes and regulate the tobacco market order special action.

The province cracked 151 cases from the network, an increase of 20 cases. 

Wuhan, Xiangyang, Huanggang first part of the information network for clues uncovered from manufacturing and selling counterfeit cigarettes network 3 cases.  Divide the work by the province’s Ministry of Public Security of cigarettes and the National Tobacco Board telegram awards.


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