In India, China fake?

Editor’s Note: Translation courtesy of the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness

From: Indo Asian News Service

Officials say that Chinese manufacturers are intensifying their efforts to “counterfeit” Da Buer (Dabur) and Indian Tobacco Company (ITC) and other Indian products selling consumer goods giant, damage the legitimacy of these brands, annual losses of up to 50 billion U.S. dollars.

Da Buer, general manager of the company’s financial result Exiaokejia said: “The Da Buer large number of counterfeit products from China, we carried out in China at least 20 raids, but the Chinese did not take appropriate action.” Da Buer, India’s fourth large consumer products company.

He said that these counterfeit products from China are labeled “Made in India” label, and sold around the world, mainly in India and Africa.   Jain said: “This gives us the brand has caused tremendous losses. Those counterfeit products that clearly does not meet our standards, but the price is very low.”

Da Buer Companies include health care, skin care, hair care and oral care and other major consumer product categories.  The company’s last fiscal year, revenue was 9.1 billion U.S. dollars.

Indian Tobacco Company executive Dixit said the company has been selling brand of counterfeit Chinese unscrupulous companies in India and domestic and foreign markets. He said: “We are well-known cigarette brands being counterfeited, widely sold in Chhattisgarh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.”

India’s consumption tax and customs of the Central Committee Chairman said: “China is that we are facing a big problem.” He said, China’s massive counterfeit international brand products, these counterfeit goods are sold in India and elsewhere in the world.

Chinese manufacturers also produce fake drugs, endangering the lives of patients. Recently, in Nigeria and other African countries, marked “Made in India” was seized counterfeit drugs, counterfeit drugs on those from China.  Delhi Deputy Police Commissioner Villas said the police have recently seized and confiscated in New Delhi, a large number of Chinese-made counterfeit brand-name products.


One Response to In India, China fake?

  1. Rosetta Drewry says:

    I often read news about fake goods, so I try to be extremely careful when shopping. I often order goods from the Czech Republic and translate czech to english instructions or information for the goods. It seems to me that this way I can figure out whether I bought a fake or an original.

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