Al-Qaeda Still Threatens Europe: How the U.S. Can—and Should—Help

From: The Heritage Foundation

The threat to Europe from al-Qaeda is ongoing. The fact that al-Qaeda has not struck with the frequency of ISIS is a tactical, rather than strategic, shift and does not reflect a diminution in the danger posed. The U.S. and Europe have a broad range of shared values that are threatened by al-Qaeda, and defeating the group should remain a top counterterrorism priority for both. In order to safeguard collective security, the U.S. must build more capacity abroad—while taking military action where necessary—in areas of strategic priority to weaken al- Qaeda and to ensure that the terror group is not able to present itself as a viable form of alternative governance. The U.S. must also capture al-Qaeda fighters in order to discover future plans, while focusing on shutting down its fundraising operations. The U.S. should encourage European governments to maintain surveillance on suspected al- Qaeda operatives and to pay particular attention to defending those accused of Islamic “blasphemy,” whom al-Qaeda has already identified as future targets.

By Robin Simcox


In financing its activities, al-Qaeda has relied not just on its kidnap-for-ransom operations, although these have been vital. It has also earned millions via criminal operations related to illicit trade. A prominent example of this is its control of cigarette-smuggling routes in West Africa, where AQIM can either be paid for facilitating the passage of illegal goods or charge a tax on those who want to use its smuggling routes.[22]

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