Study finds almost half of discarded cigarettes butts at University of British Columbia are contraband

From: Vancouver Sun


British Columbia remains a significant market for untaxed contraband cigarettes, according to a study by the Western Convenience Stores Association. The majority, which are being manufactured on First Nations reserves in Eastern Canada, are finding their way to students at B.C. high schools and universities, the association said. 

Every year the association conducts a study of contraband or illegal cigarettes found in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba to judge how pervasive the industry is in Western Canada. In B.C. it examined cigarette butts discarded at 50 locations, including several government offices, universities, colleges and schools.

This year the association found an average of 14.7 per cent of the butts collected in B.C. were unbranded, indicating they were contraband. Some places had far higher rates. Of the top 10 sites with the highest rates, six are universities, colleges or high schools. At the top of the pile is the University of British Columbia, where nearly half of all butts examined were not store-bought brands.

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