How Alibaba uses big data to combat fake cigarettes and pesticide

Editor’s Note: Cross-posted from Regulatory Cyber Security/FISMA Focus. For more information on the convergence of counterfeiting, cybercrime and terrorism, see, Cigarette Smuggling and Cyber Security: Low-Tech Crimes Fund High-Tech Threats.

From: Yahoo News

Alibaba’s anti-counterfeit technology efforts have expanded from online to offline Fake products are a definite thorn in the flesh of Alibaba, China’s largest e-commerce company. Alibaba has developed cutting-edge technology to counter the problem, and set up a 2,000-employee division to crack down on. . . . 


Most criminals use someone else’s certificate of identification to avoid being caught. Alibaba’s technology identifies related accounts under the same internet environment – the same Wi-Fi or computer – to discover criminals’ real identities.

Aside from RAM devices, local government in the eastern Chinese city of Pinghu in July seized RMB30 million (US$4 million) worth of fake cigarettes, with the help of Alibaba’s big data technology.

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