Tobacco Regulation: How NGOs Misrepresent Facts


The tobacco control drive by anti-tobacco groups could be a noble cause. But it is sometimes tainted with rascality and overzealousness. Often times, it lacks focus and gross misrepresentation of facts.

By Nojeem Adetuberu


It is worrisome that these NGOs act as valets to their sponsors in the West in a bid to cripple the activities of the legal tobacco industry. In their public advocacy drive, they introduce cases of human rights and wrongly communicate the essence of human rights in order to mask their real intentions. They intend to control both the demand and supply side of the tobacco industry without understanding the dynamics of the Nigerian economy.

It is even quite disturbing that some government officials, who are supposed to be fully aware of issues, unknowingly pledge support for the cause to clamp down on the legitimate tobacco industry, whenever the anti-tobacco lobby take their campaigns to the corridors of power. Understandably, such misguided statements are borne out of political expediency rather than sound reasoning. The government functionaries also fail to verify such assertions and realize that smoking, like every other habit, cannot be regulated through aggressive taxes on tobacco but rather through effective public sensitization on the dangers inherent in the act.

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One Response to Tobacco Regulation: How NGOs Misrepresent Facts

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