FWD joins forces with Imperial to combat illicit trade

From: Scottish Local Retailer

Imperial Tobacco has teamed up with the Federation of Wholesale Distributors (FWD) for the next installment of its Suspect it? Report it! campaign.

The latest poster is wholesaler-focused, and depicts a depot empty of any tobacco-buying retailers alongside the message: “Have you noticed anything’s missing?” It was inspired after evidence from Imperial’s wholesaler partners suggested sudden drops in tobacco sales in depot might indicate a spike in illegal sales in a locality.

Peter Nelson, Anti Illicit Trade Manager at Imperial Tobacco, commented: “Wholesalers can be a valuable barometer in terms of detecting increased illicit trade and identifying whether organised criminals may potentially be targeting specific regions or communities. For instance, by using information about a drop in cash and carry sales when established retailers either markedly reduce or actually stop purchasing their tobacco products through this legitimate supply chain, tobacco manufacturers like Imperial can commence investigations.

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