Stoke-on-Trent Tobacco Control Alliance: People who deal in illegal tobacco are more likely to encourage others – especially children and young adults – to smoke

From: The Stoke Sentinel

Stoke trader sold dodgy fags to kids – and then told them not to smoke near his shop

By P_Cullinane


Following the case, Councillor Randy Conteh, who is chairman of the Stoke-on-Trent Tobacco Control Alliance, said: “Smoking can cause serious health problems for young people and it’s very important these test purchasing exercises are carried out to ensure traders are complying with this very necessary law. The additional offence of selling counterfeit tobacco makes this an even more serious case.

“People who deal in illegal tobacco are more likely to encourage others – especially children and young adults – to smoke and they are also harming legitimate businesses and damaging communities. We are very pleased with the outcome of this court case and hope it will be a successful deterrent for any other traders who may be tempted to break the law in this way.”

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