Is the Canadian Government Responsible for Contraband Cigarette Production? (Part IV in an investigative series)

Editor’s Note: CRE is conducting an ongoing investigation into the role of governments in promoting the illicit trade in tobacco products. See, Part I, “What is the Role of the Canadian Government in Fostering Smoking?”  Part II, “The Ultimate Tobacco Control Failure: 90% of Pregnant Women Smoking,” Part III, “What is the Australian Government’s Role in Fostering Smoking?” 

From: Tobacco Reporter

Government accused

The biggest manufacturer of ‘Native cigarettes’ in Canada is suing the federal government for $3 billion for failing to stop the proliferation of contraband tobacco producers, according to a story by Mark Bonokoski for the Toronto Sun.

The lawsuit, filed in the Ontario Court of Appeal at the end of June by Grand River Enterprises’ (GRE) Jerry Montour and three other principals in the company, accuses the Attorney General of Canada of ‘malfeasance in public office, negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, and breach of aboriginal rights’.

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