
Editor’s Note: From Wikipedia, “Blowback is a term originating from within the American Intelligence community, denoting the unintended consequences, unwanted side-effects, or suffered repercussions of a covert operation that fall back on those responsible for the aforementioned operations. To the civilians suffering the blowback of covert operations. . . .”

From: Associated Press via ABC News

NYC hikes price of pack of cigarettes to $13, highest in US

By Frank Eltman


So-called butt-leggers already evade taxes and price minimums on a widespread scale by hauling in cases from low-cost states like Virginia and North Carolina, or even from elsewhere in New York.

“These measures will destroy the business investment of retailers who have been leading the effort to prevent youth access to tobacco products, and the result will be lost revenue, lost jobs and an increasing number of sales in unregulated and illegal settings,” Jim Calvin, president of the New York Association of Convenience Stores, said after the legislation passed earlier this month.

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