


Mitre: Developer Days 2013

Editor’s Note:  Mitre’s registratation page is here, https://register.mitre.org/devdays/.

From: Mitre

Developer Days 2013

The MITRE Corporation will be hosting Developer Days on July 22-24, 2013, at MITRE in McLean, Virginia, USA. This three-day event will be technical in nature and focus on the Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL®) effort, remediation, and other security automation topics.

The purpose of the event is for the community to discuss OVAL and other security automation efforts and specifications in technical detail and to derive solutions that benefit all concerned parties. An exciting agenda is being developed.

The event will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, July 22, and end at 5:00 pm. on Wednesday, July 24.

MITRE first hosted Developer Days in 2005 and has been running them annually ever since. The model for these technical exchanges has since been adopted as the format used by the security automation community.

Event Details

Read-Ahead Material

Developer Days is intended to provide the community an opportunity to shape the direction of standards development work. Therefore, we encourage active participation from the attendees, but that participation will be more effective if the audience is informed about each of the topics and so we have collected several documents that attendees can review before the event. See the following document for pointers to this read-ahead material.

  • TBA


See the following document for an event schedule and other important details:

  • TBA

Registration Deadline

Registration will close at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern) on July 5, 2013.

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