


The Reality of Continuous Monitoring…Is Your Agency Secure?

Editor’s Note: Listen to the complete discussion on Federal News Radio here.

From: FederalNewsRadio.com

Is your agency coping with identifying and protecting against the constant  barrage of sophisticated cyber threats, while at the same time, trying to improve  your FISMA scores?

From reduced resources (budget, manpower and unified vision), to lack of an  automated risk mitigation capabilities, these factors continue to impact civilian  agency FISMA scores. WTOP brings together a panel of network security experts to  explore the challenges civilian agencies face in dealing with critical cyber  security concerns, and discuss how to coordinate defenses, leverage advanced tools  and take advantage of CDM programs to help agencies tackle these issues.

The White House has emphasized the need for continuous monitoring since 2010, and  as part of the FY13 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill, DHS is to assist other  federal agencies in enhancing their cybersecurity efforts. The CDM initiative  gives participating agencies the means to implement continuous monitoring as a  service (CMaaS), which is a bundled solution comprised of systems, sensors, risk- status displays and professional consulting services.

Tune in as the expert panel discusses:

    • How CDM address the challenge of continuous vigilance against modern  cyberthreats, not only by keeping the nation’s infrastructure as resistant as  possible to exploits, but also instantly detecting configuration drifts and  vulnerabilities that may increase exposure to attack.
    • How BYOD security challenges may hamper agencies from achieving the CDM goals,  and what steps they can take to ensure all devices are detected and protected.
    • How automated network security and endpoint compliance tools can help agencies  achieve results needed to improve their FISMA controls.


Jason  Miller – Editorial Director Federal News Radio


Joseph Beal – Chief Information Security Officer (CISO);  Director of Security Services, CCSi

Venu Ayala– President, Zen Strategics LLC

Ken Kartsen– Vice President, Federal, McAfee

Wallace Sann

      – Federal CTO, ForeScout Technologies


  1. Landmark manpower says:

    Security is one of the most important aspect. first we need to be clear that the giiven agency is secure or not.

  2. Anonymous says:

    this agency protect and safe from cyber crime.

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