


How cyber security is bringing bipartisanship

From: merlin

If the last decade in politics have shown us anything, it’s that Democrats and Republicans are having a very difficult time getting along on just about anything. This was especially proven true throughout 2013, when the well-known debate over the Affordable Care Act led to a complete government shutdown. While it doesn’t look like this kind of friction is going away anytime soon, there is one issue that the two major American ideologies are agreeing on: federal government cyber security.

Led by two seemingly polar-opposite congressmen, Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Patty Murray, the two-year budget plan, known as the National Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Act, has all but flown through Congress. The bill, which allocates funds to the Department of Homeland Security’s continuous monitoring plan, just cleared another hurdle on its way to being ratified. The Homeland Security Subcommittee on Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure has now approved the bill, reported GSN.

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