


Chief Information Security Officers Support Continous Diagnostics and Mitigation Program

From: SIGNAL On line/AFCEA

By George I. Seffers

Department of Homeland Securty official puts rumors to rest.

Chief information security officials from various agencies voiced support for the Department of Homeland Security’s Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Program, which is designed to fortify computer networks across the federal government. The officials spoke out in support of the program while serving on a panel during the AFCEA Homeland Security Conference, Washington, D.C. Panel moderator John Streufert, director of Federal Network Resilience at the Department of Homeland Security, took the opportunity to put some rumors to rest.

Streufert said he had heard rumors being floated that major government agencies and departments were abandoning the Continuous Monitoring as a Service (CMAS) contract. “I can tell you there is no pattern of that happening,” he declared. In fact, he said he expects additional requests for information for leap-ahead technologies and for additional team members to be chosen for the contract. “In my own mind, I believe there will be an urgent need for a second CMAS contract,” he predicted.

He also said a second CDM task order will likely be awarded in June to address services and commodities to all departments and agencies.

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