


Insider Data Theft Among Top Cybersecurity Threats for US Federal Agencies: Study

From: TheWhir

by Chris Burt

Insiders at US federal agencies pose nearly as much threat to agency information security as hackers, according to a survey released on Wednesday by IT software management company SolarWinds.

SolarWinds worked with Market Connections to survey 200 IT and IT security professionals from the federal government and military in early 2014, and their answers suggest that the threat landscape is much broader than just malicious outsiders.

Half of respondents named external hacking as the top cybersecurity threat for their organization, with 29 percent pointing to insider data leakage and theft. Nine percent were unsure if any cyber threats affected their agency.

Breaches were blamed on hackers in 47 percent of cases, but on “careless and untrained insiders” in 42 percent.

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