


SANS 2014 Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation Survey

Editor’s Note: The link to the SANS survey is here. Below is the introduction.

From: SANS

This SANS survey is designed to determine the level of awareness and adoption of the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) capabilities offered under the DHS CDM/Continuous Monitoring as a Service (CMaaS) program. The goal of this survey is to collect data that can be used to make it easier for government security managers to make real security advances by reducing barriers to using the CDM contract. The results of this survey will be announced at the SANS CDM Summit in August.

At the end of the survey, you will have the opportunity to enter the contest for a new iPad by leaving your contact information. Note: Leaving your contact information is completely optional and that information will not be shared outside the SANS Analyst Program. On rare occasions, our SANS Analyst may contact you during the paper development, especially if you leave an interesting comment! Regardless, contact information will not be shared with the survey sponsors. For more information, please read the SANS privacy policy at www.sans.org/privacy.php.

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